1% of music instruments sale should return to musicians

There are several hundreds of thousands of musicians in the Republic of Serbia, who constantly spend their money on their equipment. It is a respectable market which brings significant tax revenue to the state. On the other hand, the state does not support the current music production of music in any manner.

Our demand addressed to the state of ours is to give back to musicians 1% of money from the sales of musical instruments, to be invested into the contemporary music production and the music export. This amount we do not want to charge from music instruments salesmen, who are our costrugglers, but from tax revenues the state collects. The state charges 20% VAT to each piece of musical equipment, and we demand 1/20 of the tax revenue back to representative associations of music artists, to be distributed in contests for the contemporary music production and music export.

Published On: 10.03.2023.Categories: In FocusTags: , , , ,